
"The Mummy" was released in May of 1999 by Universal Studios. It was an action adventure film set in 1923 Cairo, Egypt. Stephen Sommers and his crew produced a movie which included the use of sophisticated computer graphics, combined with a plot that included a secret love affair, a group of treasure hunters, a librarian, a former French soldier, and a dedicated group of Medjai warriors sworn to give their lives to protect the world from the curse of the mummy. The film cost 76 million US dollars and was shot in the following locations:

United Kingdom: London, Chatham, Kent, and the World Naval base.

Elsewhere: Arizona, USA, Egypt, Erfoud and Marrakech, Morocco.

In May of 2001, Universal and Stephen Sommers released the sequel, "The Mummy Returns", which contained more action and greater use of improved CG effects. The sequel retained all of the core characters from the original film in addition to several new characters. The film starts off with the O’Connell family in Egypt, they return briefly to their London, England home where they are met by the villains who force them to return to Egypt where the O’Connell’s must fight them and Imhotep to retore order. The film cost 98 million US dollars and was shot in the following locations:

United Kingdom: Bloomsbury, British Museum, Heath & Reach, and London, England

Elsewhere: Egypt, Petra, Jordan, and Morocco